Crane NVQ

What Is An NVQ?

An NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) is a method of understanding based on work that is assessed at a college, school, or workplace. Each level of the NVQ contains a series of on-the-job assignments and projects designed to test you on your ability to do a job efficiently. In today’s blog we will be discussing how a crane nvq can benefit you.


Studying for an NVQ is a perfect way of expanding your experience without having to adhere to an academic calendar to achieve your career objectives. An NVQ offers all of the technical skills and experience you require to kick-start your career and enter into your desired field, whether you are either at school or already in a workplace.


NVQ’s are competency-based and the applicant presents documentation of what they do in their job environment, which forms the foundation of a portfolio measured to the applicable occupational norm. Applicants must show that their talents are up to date and illustrate their integrity over a period of time.

Red and Black Industrial Machine


What Is Competence?

In order to fulfil the duties associated with their job position, applicants need to show that they have the required talents, experience and comprehension. Competence can be defined as the mixture of an individual’s preparation, expertise, experience and knowledge and their ability to utilise them to safely perform a function. Other aspects can also impact someone’s competence, such as temperament and physical capabilities.


The nature of competence is important to the workplace. What counts is that both the threats that arise more frequently and those with severe repercussions are sufficiently focused. Competence is the capacity to identify the dangers of operating operations for any management, boss and worker and then apply the necessary steps to monitor and handle those risks.


Crane NVQ

Who Is The Crane NVQ Aimed At?

In order to switch to a Blue CPCS Competent Operator Card, this initiative is targeted at individuals who carry a red CPCS card and need to obtain the appropriate NVQ. The qualification should be done to reinforce their expertise in the role of Crane- Lift Supervisor for those who do not adopt the CPCS System.


A crane nvq is an efficient way to grow workers to a widely accepted level that results in enhanced performance. An nvq offers evidence of the candidate’s capacity to do their job when it is based on what they will do rather than what they know. Crane nvqs offer preparation and proof collecting on the job, while providing the employee with less down time. Nvq’s also displays a dedication to consumer satisfaction both internally and externally and ensuring that personnel are up-to-date with industry expectations and best practises.


The Cranes and Specialist Lifting/Mobile Crane Operator Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Construction was structured to test workplace occupational skills. In the operation of work platforms in building, learners are expected to show their talents, knowledge and abilities. This NVQ gives official certification as a construction employee that is responsible for the operation of mobile cranes.