Construction NVQs Are Widely Recognised

What Are Construction NVQs?

NVQs are the industry’s most generally recognised construction credentials. Thousands of site managers depend on them to make recruiting choices on a daily basis. As a result, they’re a no-brainer for anyone wanting to break into the construction business. Unlike academic degrees, most construction NVQs do not require you to prepare for a final test. As a result, most will ask you to submit a few written answers as part of the evaluation process.

To succeed in the construction sector, you don’t need to have a perfect high school education. In reality, some of the country’s most talented individuals lack even a single GCSE. Even people who have not finished any other type of formal education can obtain a respected qualification with the NVQ.

Construction NVQ courses are done on the job, so your employer won’t have to adjust their schedule to accommodate your absence. You’ll also be able to keep earning as you progress.

construction nvqs

Benefits Of Construction NVQs

In and of itself, the Construction NVQ is a fantastic achievement. It will, however, provide you access to additional methods of promoting your skills. CSCS cards are among the finest of them. The Construction Skill Certification Skills Scheme is the UK’s leading organisation of its kind. They maintain a database of skilled employees in the UK. CSCS cards are a color-coded identification card system that may be presented almost anywhere. They show the rest of the world that you’re capable of accomplishing the job you’re doing.

You’ll be able to apply for the associated CSCS card once you’ve obtained a suitable Construction NVQ. If you’re working toward your first NVQ, you’ll be allowed to apply for a red CSCS card as a “trainee” as long as you’ve registered in the course and passed a brief health, safety, and environmental test. These are valid for five years, which is more than enough time to complete an NVQ from beginning to end.

CSCS cards, like the NVQ, are a commonly established standard in the construction sector. While a CSCS card isn’t required by law, most big builders and contractors regard it a prerequisite if you’re going to work on a construction site.

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Revision In Construction NVQs

Various types of construction NVQs will need varying degrees of individual study.  Many lower-level NVQs don’t involve much more than showing up to work and performing a good job. Reading can only educate you so much about practical skills like trowel application and formwork. If you’re pursuing higher-level NVQs that include leadership and other more technical abilities, on the other hand, you’ll need to schedule study and revise time outside work. If this seems intimidating, or you’re worried about finding the time, don’t worry: we’ll be able to help you with any additional study you wish to undertake.


If you would like to find out any more information about any construction NVQ then get in touch today.