What Is The CITB SMSTS Course?

The Site Management Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS) is an industry-recognised program that equips businesses with all of the information they need to meet today’s legislative requirements for demonstrating health and safety competence. The necessary rules as well as other aspects of workplace health and safety in the building, construction, and civil engineering industries are covered in this course. In the effort to sustain a health and safety system among employees, it highlights the importance of risk evaluation in the workplace, and the implementation of critical preventative techniques and good communication. In today’s blog we are going to discuss the CITB SMSTS course and why you could be the perfect candidate for it. 


Am I Eligible For The CITB SMSTS Course?

The CITB SMSTS course is for construction workers who are already in control of a job site or who want to further their careers. Operating on a construction site may be extremely hazardous since danger lurks around every curve. This CITB training is designed to encourage secure construction site activities. Site managers need to be knowledgeable of the site’s dangers and risks in order to do this.


As the manager or supervisor of a group, you are responsible for their health and safety as well as serving as the primary point of contact in the event of an emergency, therefore you must be totally ready. You must be prepared for any form of mishap or occurrence, irrespective of the size of your group, which our CITB training may assist with.

Why Take The Course?

Every construction site supervisor’s development should include SMSTS training. Since the course was created for site managers in the construction and civil engineering sectors, it is particularly pertinent to day-to-day tasks. The training is recognised throughout the United Kingdom and is a must-have for anyone interested in becoming a site manager. The Approved Code of Practice also lists it as a recommended training for site managers. The SMSTS training is essential for managers. By finishing this course, you will have access to a variety of advantages, including enhanced earning potential and improved employability for future employment. We provide a Monday-Friday course, so you may acquire your certificate in no time.

Why Does The SMSTS Course Exist?

Workplace skills and safety should complement one another to create improved safety skills and, as a result, fewer accidents and injuries. Despite the fact that construction employs just 5% of the workforce in the UK, it is responsible for 22% of all workplace fatalities. While the United Kingdom has one of the lowest rates of workplace injuries in the world, accidents occur, so it’s worth keeping an eye on health and safety as well as risk management. All organisations must prepare carefully in order to comply with the law while offering the least amount of risk to their employees.


If you are a site manager or supervisor and feel like the CITB SMSTS course would benefit you and your career, get in touch today and our team will be more than happy to help you pick out the course that is correct for you.