The Construction Skills Certification Scheme exists to ensure the safety of all construction workers. Looking for a job in construction? The following will show you exactly how to apply for a CSCS card.
Qualifications Required For A CSCS Card
There are many different types of CSCS cards, and they each require specific qualifications. The Green CSCS (Labourer) card is aimed at entry-level workers. The fastest way to qualify for this card is with a Level 1 Award in Health and Safety in a Construction Environment. This course is provided right here by CST Training.
CITB Health, Safety And Environment Test
You will also need to pass the CITB Health, Safety and Environment test (also known as the CSCS test). There are different tests depending on which CSCS card you are aiming for, so make sure you select the right one using the CSCS Card Finder. All necessary revision material for this test can be found at the CITB online bookshop. Help with revision is also available on the CITB mobile app. The test is usually taken at an approved CITB centre, and costs £21. More information on how to apply can be found on the CITB website.
Applying For A CSCS Card
Once you have acquired your Level 1 Award and your CITB HS&E score card, you will be all set to apply for a Green CSCS card. The first step of this process is proving that you have acquired the right qualifications. This will require a scanned copy of your Level 1 qualification, as well as the test ID number from your completed CITB test. This can be found on your pass certificate. Specifics on the documents required can be found on the CSCS website. The application fee is £36. Once you have completed each of these steps, you will receive your Green CSCS Card in the post. The card will last for five years, and will require a renewal after that point.
Other Types Of CSCS Cards
There are many other types of CSCS cards available. Many of them require NVQs provided here at CST Training.
The Red CSCS (Apprentice) card is for those who are completing or have completed an apprenticeship. The Red CSCS (Experience Technical, Supervisor or Manager) card is for those who are working towards a qualification in construction. The other main requirement is having at least one year’s experience in a technical, supervisor or manager role. The Red CSCS (Experienced Worker) card is for those who have a year’s experience on a construction site, and are working towards a qualification in construction. The Red CSCS (Trainee) card is for those who are training towards a qualification in construction. This qualification can be vocational, professional or academic. The Red CSCS (Provisional) card is for those who are working within their probationary period and do not have a qualification in construction, nor a previous CSCS card.
The Blue CSCS (Skilled Worker) card is for those who have a qualification in construction or have completed an apprenticeship. This is the level 2 NVQ.
The Gold CSCS (Advanced Craft) card is the first of the advanced CSCS cards. It is designed for those who are highly skilled and/or have advanced qualifications.
The Gold CSCS (Supervisory) card is for those in a supervisory construction role. The requirements are an advanced skill level, and experience supervising. The gold level cards are achieved through level 3/4 NVQs.
The Black CSCS (Manager) card is designed for those with managerial experience and high-level qualifications in construction. These are achieved through level 6+ NVQs.
The AQP CSCS (Academically Qualified Person) card is for those who have obtained a degree that is not a NVQ.
The PQP CSCS (Professionally Qualified Person) is for those whose work brings them to construction sites, but they are not based at these sites.