NVQs vs VRQs: What’s the Difference?
While we mostly offer National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) here at CST Training, we also offer some Vocationally-Related Qualifications (VRQs). But when it comes to NVQs vs VRQs, what’s the difference between the two?
Today’s blog will outline some of the key distinctions between NVQs and VRQs. We’ll also be breaking down why you should pick one over the other, and why you should take them with CST Training.
NVQs vs VRQs: National Vocational Qualification (NVQ)
NVQ stands for National Vocational Qualification. These qualifications are recognised in both the United Kingdom and the rest of the world. An NVQ is a work-related, competence based qualification. Once completed, employers will see that you have both the skills and the knowledge to do a certain job.
An NVQ tends to be represented within a workplace. Throughout the NVQ you’ll collect evidence for a portfolio, which is what you’ll be assessed on.
There are a number of levels when it comes to NVQs. These levels correspond to the level of skill you’ve reached in your career.
Vocationally-Related Qualification (VRQ)
Unlike National Vocational Qualifications, VRQs are study-based and structured training programmes. Their purpose is to provide both the practical skill and knowledge that would be required in a specific job. While there are no written tests when undertaking an NVQ, a VRQ will involve some simple written assignments. The candidate is also assessed on their workplace-related activities, though, just like with NVQs.
There are multiple skill levels when it comes to VRQs.
NVQs vs VRQs: VRQs at CST Training
Most of our qualification offering is NVQs, but we do also offer a selection of VRQs. Our ILM business courses, for example. All ILM awards, certificates, and diplomas are training-based qualifications. This means that, as we mentioned before, you will be assessed via written assignments.
The Levels of ILM go from 2 to 7. Level 2 is for team leaders/supervisors, Level 3 is for junior managers, and Level 4 & 5 is for middle managers. Level 6 is for senior managers (Director of a smaller organisation, for example), and Level 7 is for senior leaders (such as CEO or Director of large divisions).
While our VRQs for ILM go up to Level 7, there are also ILM NVQs.
NVQs at CST Training
We offer an extensive range of NVQs, most of which are in construction (including trade, supervision, management, plant, etc). Most of these qualifications can be completed entirely remotely through our intuitive online portal. Plus, once you sign up, there’s no waiting for a set start date. You can begin as soon as you like, even if that means the same day you signed up.
NVQs vs VRQs: Summary
To summarise, NVQ stands for National Vocational Qualification. VRQ, on the other hand, stands for Vocationally-Related Qualification. National Vocational Qualifications are competence based, work-related qualifications. While these qualifications don’t require undertaking any written tests, VRQs are study-based, and therefore do involve tests.
We Are The Leading Provider Of NVQs In The UK.
Our NVQs and VRQs Are Delivered As Efficiently And Professionaly As Possible.
Our E-Portfolio System Provides An Easier Way To Complete Your NVQ Remotely.