NVQ Industries: Who Recognizes NVQs?
The purpose of NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications) is to provide you with the experience and skills required for particular jobs. Because of all the practical skills required, one of the most common industries that recognizes NVQs is the construction industry. But there are a number of other NVQ industries.
The following article will break down just why construction NVQs are so crucial, as well as the other industries that recognize NVQs.
NVQ Industries: Construction
In most cases, it’s impossible to progress your career in construction without a relevant NVQ. Without one, employers will have no evidence that you are qualified to do specific jobs. All legitimate construction companies in the United Kingdom recognize, and require, NVQs.
The levels of construction NVQs include the following: Operative NVQ 2, Supervisor NVQ 3, Site Manager NVQ 6, and Project/Contract Director or Manager 7. The level of NVQ you undertake will depend on where you are in your construction career.
Many of the construction companies in the United Kingdom also require CSCS cards. These are the cards that entitle you to work in certain areas of construction. There are a number of different kinds of CSCS cards, and they’re broken down into professions and levels.
You’ll need to renew the earlier cards, like the Green Labourer Card, every five years. But if you get as far as the Gold cards (supervisory or specialty cards), you’ll receive a diploma, which you’ll have for life.
There are a number of different roles that require an NVQ. These include ground worker, site manager, engineer, electrician, forklift driver, painter and decorator, operations manager, construction manager, and construction foreman.
Other NVQ Industries
Construction isn’t the only industry that recognizes National Vocational Qualifications. Other industries that require NVQs for particular jobs include Communications, Plumbing, Management and Administration, Child and Elderly Care, Tourism and Travel, Catering, Hairdressing and Beauty, and Design.
Tourism and Travel NVQ
Tourism and Travel NVQs can help you get a wide array of jobs in the industry. It doesn’t matter which specific area of tourism or travel you’re interested in. Whether it’s visitor services, resort representatives, or anything in between, NVQs will have you covered. An NVQ in this sector will be recognized all over Britain.
A tourism and travel NVQ covers five specific areas (although there’s a lot more leeway within each of these areas). The areas in which you can get an NVQ include Tour Operators (Head Office), Tour Operators (Field Staff), Leisure and Business, Visitor Services, and Tour Guiding.
Child Care/Teaching NVQs
There are also many National Vocational Qualifications available for those interested in a career in child care or teaching. Just a handful of these NVQs include the CACHE Level 3 Teaching Assistant NVQ, the Level 3 NVQ Certificate in Advice and Guidance, and the City and Guilds Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Practitioner.
The cost of child care and teaching NVQs varies depending on which level you’re on.
Catering NVQs
Catering NVQs cover a number of different areas. These include hospitality services, food and beverage, housekeeping, cookery, and front office. Each will help you secure a job in the relevant area.
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