Department Of Work And Pensions


This week we have recently received accreditation from the department of work and pensions (DWP) and are now an enhanced preferred supplier! In today’s blog we are going to discuss who the Department Of Work and Pensions are and what they do. 

Who Are The DWP?

Welfare, pensions, and child care policy are all handled by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). It regulates the State Pension and a variety of working age, disability, and ill health benefits to about 20 million beneficiaries and clients as the UK’s largest public service agency.


  • Rather than focusing on the signs of poverty, it is necessary to consider and address the causes of poverty.
  • Getting people to work and making work pay is a win-win situation.
  • Encouraging people with disabilities and illnesses to live to be self-sufficient.
  • Ensuring a fair income for retirees and encouraging them to save for their retirement.
  • Delivering good value for money and lowering fraud and error rates.
  • Via the Health and Safety Executive, working to reduce work-related death and serious accidents at work.


  • Run an efficient welfare system that assists and guides individuals into jobs so that they can gain financial independence.
  • Boost your retirement savings and stability.
  • Build a decent and affordable welfare system that enhances children’s prospects in life.
  • Provide excellent service to our clients and applicants.
  • To cut costs and improve performance, we must change the way we deliver our services to perform effectively.


Understanding, developing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating our policies and services are all aided by their research. The Department Of Work And Pensions use a wide variety of qualitative and quantitative approaches to conduct objective, dependable, appropriate, and applicable social research. Across the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), our researchers work in multi-disciplinary teams. They collaborate with policy teams as well as larger analytical teams to build their evidence foundation and provide research to validate their policies and projects.


The publication of the DWP Areas of Research Interest reflects their dedication to collaboration across research communities. The Department Of Work and Pensions maintain contact with other pension, disability, and jobs researchers. DWP also maintains strong relations with other funding organisations, such as the Economic and Social Research Council and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, which are two of the most prominent social security funders.